Tuition Due Dates & Payments
Helpful information for tuition deadlines and payments.
Downers Grove, IL
Specific details for tuition and payments can be found in the Downers Grove tuition and fees page.
Listed below are tuition due dates by term and program. Please note that no exceptions will be made to tuition due dates.
Summer 2024 - IL
- Pharmacy 3-year Option (3) tuition due 05/28/24
- Optometry (4), Osteopathic Medicine (3 and 4), Physician Assistant (2) tuition due 06/03/24
- All other classes tuition due 06/10/24
- Physician Assistant (3) tuition due 06/17/24
Fall 2024 - IL
- Osteopathic Medicine (1 and 2) tuition due 08/12/24
- Pharmacy 3-year Option (3) tuition due 08/19/24
- Osteopathic Medicine (3 and 4) tuition due 08/26/24
- Optometry (4), Occupational Therapy (3), Physician Assistant (2) tuition due 09/03/24
- All other classes tuition due 09/09/24
Winter 2024 - IL
- Pharmacy 3-year Option (3) tuition due 11/11/24
- Osteopathic Medicine (3 and 4) tuition due 11/18/24
- All other classes tuition due 12/02/24
Spring 2025 - IL
- Physical Therapy (3), Pharmacy 3-year Option (3) tuition due 02/17/25
- Osteopathic Medicine (3 and 4), Optometry (4) tuition due 03/03/25
- All other classes tuition due 03/10/25
- Physician Assistant (2) tuition due 03/17/25
Glendale, AZ
Specific details for tuition and payments can be found in the Glendale tuition and fees catalog.
Listed below are tuition due dates by term and program. Please note that no exceptions will be made to tuition due dates.
Summer 2024 - AZ
- Podiatry (2 and 3) tuition due 05/13/24
- Physician Assistant (2), Pharmacy (2 and 3) tuition due 05/28/24
- All other classes tuition due 06/03/24
- Osteopathic Medicine (3 and 4), Cardiovascular Science (2) tuition due 06/10/24
- Master of Public Health, Post-Graduate Precision Medicine Certificate (1 and 2), Master in Precision Medicine (1 and 2) tuition due 06/14/2024
Fall 2024 - AZ
- Osteopathic Medicine (1 and 2), Podiatry (1 and 2) tuition due 08/12/24
- Physician Assistant (2), Pharmacy (3) tuition due 08/19/24
- All other classes tuition due 08/26/24
- Cardiovascular Science (1 and 2), Osteopathic Medicine (3 and 4), Podiatry (4), Optometry (4) tuition due 09/02/24
- Post-Graduate Precision Medicine Certificate (1 and 2), Master in Precision Medicine (1 and 2), Master of Public Health tuition due 09/11/24
Winter 2024 - AZ
- Osteopathic Medicine (1 and 2), Podiatry (1 and 2) tuition due 11/04/24
- Pharmacy (3), Physician Assistant (2) tuition due 11/11/24
- Veterinary Medicine (4) tuition due 11/18/24
- Cardiovascular Science (1 and 2), Osteopathic Medicine (3 and 4) tuition due 11/25/2024 PF2,
- All other classes tuition due 12/02/24
- Post-Graduate Precision Medicine Certificate (1 and 2), Master in Precision Medicine (1 and 2), Master of Public Health tuition due 12/06/24
Spring 2025 - AZ
- Osteopathic Medicine (1 and 2), Physician Assistant (2), Podiatry (1 and 2) tuition due 02/17/25
- Pharmacy (3) tuition due 02/24/25
- Osteopathic Medicine (3 and 4), Cardiovascular Science (1 and 2), Podiatry (3 and 4), Physical Therapy (3), Veterinary Medicine (4) tuition due 03/03/25
- All other classes tuition due 03/10/25
- Post-Graduate Precision Medicine Certificate (1 and 2), Master in Precision Medicine (1 and 2), Master of Public Health tuition due 03/21/25